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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A few more from rackrater

Here are a few more from my collection.


  1. I am sorry I called you a sexual harasser over something stupid like a compliment about my bosom,cleavage or rearend in public while working. Its stupid that women always got to blame and complain everytime some man whistles at them on sidewalks in New York,etc.

  2. If God would have saw it coming, He should have not made physical beings with the capability of filthying and destroying Earth.April 3, 2015 at 10:43 AM

    Why would a loving God say he has a spirit if God already is a holy spirit? Why would God want to make planets like the moon and sun if people would worship them as idols? Hartford Jury Administrator should be caged for dishonorably forcing people against their wills to serve as jurors as all jury administrators should be serving jail sentences for threatening people with jail if they don't serve on a jury.

  3. If God did not want nature,space,stars,planets worshipped then why make those things?April 3, 2015 at 11:20 AM

    If God would have not made weather people could not even make that into another false god, another idol. Storms are a good example along with rainbows. So with the heathens and their heathen religions we see they do make the weather into an idolatry. Maybe God wanted physical things made so people could worship something else besides Himself.

  4. Sexual I am going to be a nuisance because you commended me on the beauty of my bust,cleavage and rearend by lying about your stares and compliments "law".April 5, 2015 at 7:35 PM

    Christianity would have been a much better religion if all Christians were anarchists and environmentalists who did not celebrate the demonic Druid Unhallowedween, that's what Halloween is, it's an unholy celebration of the Devils demons. And Easter is Christians celebration of Eostre the Goddess of Spring. And Christmas is celebrating Druids tree idolatry and the mistletoe idolatry. If Christians would not have celebrated Christmas, Unhalloween, Eostre which is what Easter should really be called, is Christianity following other religions along with the unfortunate acceptance of a Egyptian cross from pre-Christian times as well as blindly accepting the obelisk to profane God's house of worship with the symbol of another idol from a foreign, non-Christian, atheistic deity. Christianity would have been a much better religion without the denominations, sects and the cults to give Christianity a bad name.
