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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A few randoms

A few hotties


  1. Do you know thats "sexual" "vexation"? I feel disrespected. is inappropriate to speak these words to strange men that commend you on having beautiful breasts and cleavage. Those who speak these or other words will be in hell in the next world. Sexual socalled harassment law is demonic, a lie straight from Lucifer.

  2. Only self-deceived fools call compliments sexual hassling while overusing the words harassment,harasser and harassing. Women and our government,police,etc. should not be pestering men for complimenting ladies bodies.

  3. Why would the New Testament writers want Jesus words written in blood for?October 24, 2014 at 11:56 PM

    Sexual hassling law is a doctrine of demons.

  4. Why does it have to be okay to compliment strippers,satan-loving harlots busts,cleavages and rears but it has to be a "crime" at a mall or store?October 24, 2014 at 11:59 PM

    How did it become socially acceptable to insult men by calling their whistling and compliments and stares harassment but the women don't even know they are hassling men with lies about their actions and words?
